Sunday, March 8, 2009

Baseball games and birthday parties

The puppies were exhausted last night, just plain worn out. They played at the house bright and early doing laps both outside and in. We packed them up and headed to a little league baseball game where more fun awaited. After that, it was over to Momma Karen's house to play with all the other family pets. By the time we got them home, they were just wiped. And our day wasn't even finished to a birthday bash for Larry and I.
Why does all of this matter? Well...our puppies are on mission with us to love and connect with our family. We drag these poor guys everywhere. As we strive to connect and love the folks God has placed in our path, they are along for the ride.
We were all a little tired this morning as the alarms sounded in the Sabbath a little earlier than usual, but it was a tired that was earned. We certainly don't get it right all the time nor do we necessarily "fit in" the community, but God has called us to live closely and we will, by his strength. If you think of us, please pray for the Holy Spirit's voice to be loud in our lives as we walk through dark places reflecting the One, True Light!